DO288 Red Hat OpenShift Development II: Containerizing Applications

November 28, 2023
  • Red Hat OpenShift Development II and 100% practical examination is 100% practical and this training is designed to deliver with focuses exam and we provide 100% support to pass the Exam
  • Fully customized labs and an infinite use of MOCK tests practice
  • Limited seats are only available, ENROLL NOW  to become a Red Hat Certified Administrator

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This course equips application developers with the essential skills necessary for designing, constructing, and deploying containerized applications, whether it involves migrating existing applications to OpenShift or creating new cloud-native ones. Serving as a gateway to organizational and digital transformation, the course showcases the potential of DevOps within a container-based architecture.

As developers seek ways to enhance application time-to-market for minimum viable products, containers, and OpenShift have swiftly emerged as the default solution for agile development and application deployment. Leveraging a container-based architecture orchestrated with Kubernetes and OpenShift not only enhances application reliability and scalability but also reduces developer overhead and streamlines continuous deployment.

Throughout the course, participants will delve into the foundational concepts behind containerization, scaling, deployment, and application management within the Red Hat OpenShift Container Platform. The skills acquired include designing container images for application containerization, customizing application builds using Source-to-Image builds, deploying multi-container applications, and implementing health checks to enhance system reliability.

Red Hat OpenShift, a container platform for Kubernetes, automates the provisioning, management, and scaling of applications, allowing developers to concentrate on writing code for their innovative ideas. The platform supports a variety of programming languages and tools, with pre-created quick start application templates for Java, Node.js, .NET, Ruby, Python, PHP, and more, enabling easy deployment with a single click.

OpenShift 4.x enhances developer advantages further, incorporating features like the Operator framework, OpenShift service mesh, CoreOS, and Knative. This course empowers developers to embrace these advancements and harness the full potential of Red Hat OpenShift for efficient and streamlined application development. 

the “DO288” course curriculum. However, based on the information available up to that point, Red Hat courses typically include hands-on labs, lectures, and discussions. To get the most accurate and up-to-date information, I recommend checking the official Red Hat Training website or contacting Red Hat directly.

In the meantime, I can provide a generic outline for a course on container orchestration and development, which may align with the content of DO288:

Course Title: DO288 – Container Orchestration with Kubernetes

Module 1: Introduction to Container Orchestration
  • Understanding the need for container orchestration
  • Overview of Kubernetes and its role in container orchestration
  • Key concepts: Pods, Services, Deployments, etc.
Module 2: Installing and Configuring Kubernetes
  • Installation methods for Kubernetes clusters
  • Configuring a Kubernetes cluster
  • Exploring cluster components and architecture
Module 3: Building and Managing Container Images
  • Creating Docker container images
  • Best practices for creating efficient and secure container image
  • Image registries and distribution
Module 4: Deploying Applications with Kubernetes
  • Deploying applications using Kubernetes manifests
  • Scaling and updating applications
  • Rolling deployments and rollbacks
Module 5: Managing Kubernetes Resources
  • Configuring and managing Kubernetes resources (Pods, Services, ConfigMaps, Secrets)
  • Resource quotas and limitations
Module 6: Persistent Storage in Kubernetes
  • Understanding storage options in Kubernetes
  • Configuring persistent storage for applications
Module 7: Networking in Kubernetes
  • Networking concepts in Kubernetes
  • Configuring and managing network policies
  • Service discovery and load balancing
Module 8: Security in Kubernetes
  • Securing Kubernetes clusters
  • Role-Based Access Control (RBAC)
  • Securing containerized applications
Module 9: Monitoring and Logging
  • Monitoring and logging in Kubernetes
  • Using Prometheus and Grafana for monitoring
  • Centralized logging with tools like Fluentd
Module 10: Continuous Integration and Continuous Deployment (CI/CD)
  • Implementing CI/CD pipelines for Kubernetes
  • Integrating Kubernetes with popular CI/CD tools
  • Best practices for CI/CD in containerized environments
Module 11: Advanced Kubernetes Features
  • Exploring advanced features such as Custom Resource Definitions (CRDs)
  • Introduction to Helm for package management
Hands-On Labs:
  • Practical exercises to reinforce concepts learned in each module

Remember, this is a generic outline and may not precisely match the content of DO288. Check the official Red Hat Training resources for the most accurate and up-to-date information.